Add a project profile

You add a project profile to create a basic configuration for similar projects that enables you to add projects more quickly by skipping steps.

To add a project profile:

  1. Go to: Projects / Management / Project profile.

    If you do not see this menu item, authorise it.

  2. Click on: New.
  3. Enter the description of the project profile.
  4. Specify a context in Project. Use the Browse button to select a particular context:

    Pro_Projectprofiel toevoegen (10)

    AFAS provides two default contexts: Simple project and Extended project.

    You can also add your own context and configure it using the Maintain button. For more information, please refer to the description in Add a context for a project.

  5. In Project, select the context that you have just configured.
  6. In Of project, select a project that contains the phases, cost estimate, progress specification or invoice instalments that you want to copy when you use this project profile.
  7. Select the Copy phases, Copy cost estimate and Copy invoice instalments check boxes if you want to copy these.

    You can only select the Copy phases, Copy cost estimate, Copy invoice instalments check boxes if these settings are actually used in this project. For the project that you base on this profile, Profit uses the same ratio for invoice instalments. You can view and change the invoice instalments of the project profile.

  8. Click on: Finish.
  9. Click on: Yes.

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.

Directly to

  1. Configure project profiles
  2. Add a project profile
  3. Add a context with field settings for a project profile
  4. View a project profile
  5. Link a project profile to a project
  6. Invoice instalments in a project profile
  7. Delete a project profile
  8. Import projects with project profiles