Configure project profiles

Using a project profile, you can record the behaviour of fields and the preferred values for a number of project data. This way, you record a basic project type with a basic configuration. This simplifies and speeds up the addition of similar projects.




A project profile contains a (reference to) a context. In a context you can record a set of field settings. Field settings determine the preferred value for a field and its ‘behaviour’ (read-only, mandatory, etc.). AFAS provides two default contexts. You can also add contexts yourself.

A project profile can contain additional data, such as phases, cost estimate, progress specification or invoice instalments. This data can be copied from an existing project or added during project profile maintenance.

When adding a new project, you select the desired project profile. Profit copies the settings and values from the project profile over to the new project immediately. This is a quick and easy way to enter the remaining data and complete the project. This procedure speeds up and simplifies the addition of similar projects. This saves you time and improves structural consistency in projects.

You can also link an existing project to a project profile afterwards. In this case, Profit only copies the settings and not the values, so no preferred values or cost estimate and phases etc. Fields may, however, suddenly become obligatory.

Projects in InSite

For the Create project functionality in InSite, you have to configure and add project profiles. A profile-specific page is generated in InSite for each project profile that you add. This page is automatically shown to the user in the profile choice in InSite. If you change the name of the project profile, the name of the page also changes. If you delete the project profile, the page is also deleted.


Also see