Add volume prices (sales)

When adding volume prices you determine the amount or percentage of discount per step.

If you want to use volume prices, you must first activate it.

You can add volume prices and discounts in various places. Recording them is done in the same way in all these places.

To add volume prices:

  1. Go to: 
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/Discount / Price list
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Sales price
    • Order Management / Sales / Price/discount / Promotional price
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Purchase price
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Price list
    • Order Management / Purchase / Price/Discount / Promotional price
  2. Open the properties of a price list.
  3. Go to the tab: Prices. (If you go directly to the sales price/purchase price or promotional price, you open the History tab).
  4. Click on: New
  5. Complete the fields. 
  6. Click on: Next
  7. Select the Price via calculation check box, if applicable. It is then mandatory to specify the Calculation basis and the Rounding.  
  8. Select the Volume price check box. When you select this check box, the price disappears from the Sales price field.
  9. Click on: Next
  10. If necessary, complete the fields.
  11. Click on: Next
  12. Add the ladder. The ladder always starts on step 0. Depending on the Price via calculation field, you enter the price or discount percentage (% calculation) in step 0. The discount percentage is usually 0% for step 0.
  13. Add the following step. In the first field, you enter the quantity from which the discount applies. After this, you enter the discount amount per unit for that quantity or the percentage discount (negative: e.g., -10%).
  14. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Prices (Sales)
  2. Overview of price terminology
  3. View the prices by article
  4. View the prices by sales contact
  5. Add a price for each sales contact
  6. View all prices/discounts per sales contact
  7. Manually change a price in a line
  8. Price by calculation
  9. Calculate the cost price and the transfer price
  10. Sales price
  11. Price list
  12. Promotional price
  13. Add volume prices
  14. Collective price changes
  15. Import prices
  16. Import a ladder when importing a sales price