Import organisations and persons

You can add organisations and persons by importing data in Profit.


You can also import organisations and persons in Profit. Use this option, for example if you have purchased an address file or if you want to copy data that have been exported from another application.

  • Organisations New

    You can import all new organisations and the associated contact persons at the same time using the import function Organisation new or Organisation new/change.

  • Organisations New/Changes

    You can import both new organisations and changes to existing organisations in one go. You can also import contacts and contact persons using the import function.

  • Contact persons New/Changes

    You can import all new organisations and the associated contact persons in one go.

  • Persons New

    You can import new persons in one go.

  • Persons New/Changes

    You can import new persons and changes to existing persons in one go.

  • Import a sales contact and organisation

    If you add a new sales contact, Profit automatically also adds a new organisation or person.

  • Import the IBAN number for a bank/giro account

    You can import IBANs belonging to a bank account number. With this import function, you can change bank accounts in your own administration(s) as well as accounts of organisations/persons. This functionality is particularly useful if you switch to SEPA and therefore have to enter IBAN details for your contacts.