Import new organisations including contact persons

You can import all new organisations and the associated contact persons at the same time using the import function Organisation new or Organisation new/change. Contact persons are persons linked to one or more organisations.

Profit will check if the organisation to be imported already exists, to avoid duplicate entries in the database. Profit performs this check by comparing the organisation to be imported with existing organisations based on, for example, the name or the Chamber of Commerce number. You decide which check is performed.

For a new organisation a contact can be added using an existing person, but no changes will be made to the properties of that person. This situation does not result in en error message. Please refer to Contact persons New/Changes.

Directly to

  1. Import organisations and persons
  2. Organisations New
  3. Organisations New/Changes
  4. Contact persons New/Changes
  5. Persons New
  6. Persons New/Changes
  7. Import a sales contact and organisation
  8. Import the IBAN number for a bank/giro account