Activate Profit alert

If you want to use a default alert supplied with Profit, you have to activate this alert first. During the activation you determine how many days before and after the event the alert is displayed (alert course), change the alert text if necessary and determine the recipients for the alert (destination).

A supplied alert is always linked to a fixed data collection.

Activate Profit alert:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select based on an existing alert definition in Create a new alert definition.
  4. From the list, select the alert definition with (Profit) after it that you want to activate.

    Filter on product first if necessary.

  5. Click on: Next
  6. Enter the description.
  7. Select the owner.

    You can apply filter authorisation to alerts, as a result of which only the owner is allowed to maintain an alert.

  8. Select To be used as template if you want to be able to make copies of this alert in the future.
  9. Click on: Next
  10. Do not change Alert type.
  11. In the case of alerts of the Alert based on date type, set the number of days before and after the event that the alert is generated. To do this, change the value in Number of days before and Number of days after. Do not change the other fields.
  12. Click on: Next
  13. Do not change Comparison value.
  14. Click on: Next
  15. Change the alert text(s) if necessary. If you want to change the alert texts supplied as defaults, select the language required and click on Properties. Please refer to alert text for further information on making changes.
  16. Click on: Next
  17. Select a destination. The simplest option is to select a user group as the destination for the alert. For more information, please refer to Configuring the destination.
    • Select the All Profit users user group and click on Delete.
    • Click on: New.
    • Select a user group or responsibility in Destination type and click on OK.
    • In Communication type, select how you want the alert to be communicated: via InSite only, by e-mail only, or in both ways.
    • Select a user group that contains users who manage alerts in Backup destination.
  18. Click on: Finish

The alert is now active for use.

See also

Directly to

  1. Add an alert
  2. Copy Profit alert
  3. Add own alert based on a data collection