Add an alert based on a data collection

Add a new alert based on a data collection.

To add an alert:

  1. Go to: General / Management / Alert / Definition.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select based on a data collection in Create a new alert definition.
  4. Select the data collection for the alert.


    In the case of some data collections you can select the data collection including authorisation or excluding authorisation. In the case of a data collection excluding authorisation, users receive all alerts for which they are specified as the destination. In the case of a data collection including authorisation an employee only receives alerts if they are authorized for data in the alert. A result of this could be that an employee does receive their own anniversary alert but not those of their colleagues.

  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Enter the description.
  7. The other fields (such as Definition category) are important for filtering the view and for the filter authorisation.
  8. Click on: Next
  9. Adjust the data collection. The data collection must contain all the fields that are required for the alert.
    1. Click on Data collection under Modify.
    2. Move the required fields to the right.
    3. Click on: Finish.
  10. Select a value in Alert type. This determines the alert course.
  11. This step depends on your selection in Alert type:
    • Select the date field on which the alert must be based in Alert based on date. Enter Number of days before and Number of days after also.
    • For an alert based on data, first click on Next. Then specify a filter. The alert is generated when this filter is matched.
  12. Click on: Next
  13. In Comparison value, select as many fields as required to ensure that the generated alert is unique.


    Usually, the code for a person or organisation (employee, sales contact, income tax client, and suchlike) suffices for a comparison value. This does not apply to data where there is history, for example, because in that case multiple lines could apply. In that case, add extra comparison values that can determine a unique line. For example, use a code (for the person or organisation) for the comparison value and the start date of the history line.

    If the alert is not unique, Profit displays a message when alerts are generated.

  14. Click on: Next
  15. Create the alert text by inserting text and, if necessary, fields.
  16. Click on: Next.
  17. Select a destination. The simplest option is to select a user group as the destination for the alert. For more information, please refer to Configure the destination.
    1. Click on: New.
    2. Select a user group or responsibility in Destination type and click on OK.
    3. In Communication type, select how you want the alert to be communicated: via InSite only, by e-mail only, or in both ways.
    4. Select a user group that contains users who manage alerts in Backup destination.
  18. Click on: Finish

Directly to

  1. Add an alert
  2. Copy Profit alert
  3. Add own alert based on a data collection