Add a forecast

You record a forecast for a sales contact if you expect to score an order. This makes the sales contact a prospect.

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Once you have entered the expected order amount and the scoring percentage, Profit automatically calculates the forecast amount.

To add a forecast:

  1. Go to: CRM / Sales automation / Forecast.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Select a value for Sales contact and Resp. person.

    The responsible person is retrieved from the properties of the selected sales contact or debtor (General tab). For this reason, you cannot record any field settings for this field such as preferred responsible person.

    The name of the sales contact is automatically entered as the description. You can change this.

  4. Click on: Next.

    If you enter the scoring percentage and an expected amount, Profit automatically calculates the forecast amount.

  5. Click on Next several times and then click on Finish to complete the wizard.

Directly to

  1. Sales Automation
  2. Configure the Sales Automation
  3. Add a forecast
  4. Record a quotation/cost estimate for a forecast
  5. View forecasts
  6. Close a forecast
  7. Forecast history
  8. Change the forecast status and the scoring percentage
  9. Record a dossier item for a forecast
  10. Forecasts in InSite