Add a quotation to a forecast

You can record a quotation (licence including Profit Order management) or estimate (licence including Profit Projecten) for a forecast.

If you have linked a quotation, you can determine the expected turnover of the forecast on the basis of the quotation (quotation amount x scoring percentage). If you have linked multiple quotations, Profit will use the total of the quotation amounts as the expected amount. If this results in a total amount that is too high, delete any obsolete quotations.

By adding a quotation a new history line is created for the forecast.

Training videos

To add a quotation to a forecast:

  1. Go to: CRM / Sales automation / Forecast.
  2. Open the properties of the forecast..
  3. Go to the tab: Quotation.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Complete the fields.
  6. Click on: Finish

    You are asked if you want to finalise the order.

  7. Click on: Yes
  8. Specify whether you want to print the quotation.
  9. Click on: Cancel.
  10. Go to the tab: Status.
  11. Select the Calc. expected amt. based on quotations / cost est check box.
  12. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Sales Automation
  2. Configure the Sales Automation
  3. Add a forecast
  4. Record a quotation/cost estimate for a forecast
  5. View forecasts
  6. Close a forecast
  7. Forecast history
  8. Change the forecast status and the scoring percentage
  9. Record a dossier item for a forecast
  10. Forecasts in InSite