View the payment details and payment behaviour

Profit gathers and calculates various data for each debtor that enables you to quickly assess payment behaviour. Use this data, for example, when you want to assess whether a debtor qualifies for an increase in his credit limit.

Profit displays various information, including the average and maximum number of days between the invoice and payment dates, and the average number of days that payment was in arrears.

This description applies to debtors as well as creditors.

To view the payment behaviour:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Debtor (or Financial / Creditor / Creditor).
  2. Open the properties of the debtor.
  3. Go to the tab: Payment details.

    The data on this tab is dependent on the date in the Payment behaviour reference date field in the administration settings of Profit Financieel. You can adjust this reference date and then recalculate the cumulatives in order to refresh the data on this tab on the basis of the changed reference date. This allows you to include only the outstanding items and payments as of a specific date, for example 1 January 2015.

    Average number of days/payment shows the average number of days in which the sales contact/debtor has made payments.

    Max. number of days / payment shows the maximum number of days in which the sales contact has made a payment. The outstanding item with the largest difference between the invoice date and payment date is shown.

    Average number of days too late shows the average number of days the sales contact has paid too late. The number of days too late is determined on the basis of the due date of the invoice, among other things.

  4. Click on: OK.

To view the payment behaviour of multiple debtors:

You can use an analysis to examine the payment behaviour of multiple debtors at the same time.

  1. Go to: Financial / Output / Analysis.
  2. Open the analysis: Debtor analysis (Profit).
  3. Set the filter. 

    On the Debiteuren Analyse tab and the Betalingsgedrag huidig jaar and Betalingsgedrag vorig jaar tabs, you can find he required data.

Directly to

  1. Debtor monitoring
  2. Set or view the debtor monitoring status
  3. View payment behaviour
  4. Set or view a credit limit
  5. View outstanding items
  6. View a list of balances
  7. View an ageing analysis
  8. Record a dossier item
  9. View invoices
  10. Block and release invoices
  11. View a debtor card
  12. View the financial turnover by debtor
  13. Historical overview of debtors