View outstanding items

The views with outstanding items contain all invoices that have not yet been (fully) paid.

This description applies to debtors as well as creditors.


It can happen that the balance of the outstanding items does not match the balance of the Accounts Receivable (or Accounts Payable) summary account in the Trial balance or the Extended trial balance.

The difference in balance can be explained as follows: The peildatum used by Profit in the list of outstanding items is based on the factuurdatum, while the Trial balance and the Extended trial balance are shown based on the boekingsdatum. The Ageing analysis is also compiled on the basis of the factuurdatum.

To check the balance of the Debtors and Creditors summary account in the Trial balance or the Extended trial balance, you must use the Check list debtors (Profit) and Check list creditors (Profit) reports. The reference date of these reports is based on the boekingsdatum. The totals on these reports will match the balance of the summary account in the Trial balance or the Extended trial balance.

If there is still a difference, it can be due to the Cumulative entries table. Recalculating this table using the Financial recalculation action can also ensure that the balances are once again the same. For this, no other users may be active in Profit Financial. The environment needs to be converted after this action. With this, Profit may retrieve information once more from in the database. With this, you must be able to discover the difference and/or be able to resolve it.


View outstanding items by debtor or creditor
  1. Go to:
    • Financial / Debtor / Debtor.
    • Financial / Creditor / Creditor.
  2. Open the properties of the debtor (or creditor).
  3. Go to the tab: Outstanding items.

    Profit shows a view with all journalised invoices that have not yet been paid by the relevant sales contact/debtor. Here, your options include:

    • Block an invoice / Unblock an invoice

      You can use the Block invoice action to block the selected invoice for a debtor from automatic collection. You can use the Unblock invoice action to release the invoice for automatic collection.

    • Dossier item

      You can use the Dossier item action to add a new dossier item to the selected invoice.

    • Invoice properties

      You can use the Invoice properties action to open the properties of an invoice. You can also open the properties of an invoice by double-clicking on a line with an outstanding item on the Outstanding items tab.

    • Open invoice

      The Open invoice action can only be used to open an invoice that was created in another Profit module (Project invoices, Order management invoices, Subscription invoices or Course invoices). If you use this action, Profit opens the entry window for the invoice. The financial invoices (financial entries) you posted via Financial / Enter / Journal cannot be opened using this action button; they can only be opened using the Invoice properties action.

    • Print invoice

      The Print invoice action can only be used to print an invoice that was created in another Profit module (Project invoices, Order management invoices, Subscription invoices or Course invoices). Profit then opens the print preview for the invoice. The financial invoices (financial entries) you posted via Financial / Enter / Journal cannot be printed using this action button; they can only be opened using the Invoice properties action.

  4. Open the properties of the desired invoice. Here, your options include:
    • View entries.

      The entry lines of the original sale (or purchase) are contained on the Entries tab. You can modify it if necessary.

    • View reminders (only for debtors)
    • Create a note

      Go to the tab: Remark and enter the note.

    • View payments

      All payments that have been received for this outstanding item are contained on the Payments tab.

View outstanding items
  1. Go to:
    • Financial / Debtor / Overview / Outstanding items
    • Financial / Creditor / Overview / Outstanding items.

    Profit displays a view with all outstanding items. The Balance is the amount that still needs to be paid and the Expiry date is the date on which the balance needs to be settled.

  2. If you want to view the underlying invoice, you select the outstanding item in question and click on the Invoice properties action.
  3. Profit displays the invoice properties in a separate window.
View outstanding item reports
  1. Go to: Financial / Output / Report.
  2. You can use the following reports:
    • Check list debtors (Profit) (or Check list creditors (Profit)). These reports are compiled on the basis of the entry date. The totals on these reports will match the balance of the Debtors (or Creditors) summary account in the trial balance or the extended trial balance.

      For more information on the Reference date and the check of outstanding items, please refer to check the debtor and creditor summary account balance and Historical overview of debtors.

    • Outstanding debtor items by number (Profit) (or Outstanding creditor items by number (Profit)). If you want to display a list of outstanding items from the past, enter a reference date in the past. For example reference date 31-12-2015.
    • Expiry check debtors (or Expiry check creditors). This report is an extension of the Checklist debtors report. The outstanding invoices are printed in this report after which insight is obtained into any payments made after the specified reference date.
    • Consolidated outstanding debtor items (or Consolidated outstanding creditor items) (all administrations).
    • Outstanding items with dossier item
  3. Complete the selection window:
    • Select the Use reference date check box if you want to display a list of items for a particular date. If you want to see a list of items from the past, enter a date in the past, for example reference date 31-12-2015.
    • If you use a Reference date, only the outstanding items that are due on or before the reference date are displayed.
    • Determine how the age is to be calculated. The age is the number of days that have passed since the invoice date or the due date.
  4. Click on: Finish.
Analyses and data collections for consolidated outstanding items

Consolidated outstanding items analyses (by reference date and for all administrations)

You can create an analysis of the outstanding debtor/creditor items from all administrations on a reference date. You can use the following data collections for this analysis:

  • Consolidated outstanding debtor items
  • Consolidated outstanding creditor items

View of outstanding items supplied to the collection agency

The Open items (collecting agency delivery) view shows a lot of detail and allows you to easily deliver outstanding items to the collection agency.

To view outstanding items to be supplied to the collection agency:

  1. Go to: Financial / Debtor / Overview / Outstanding items.
  2. Select the Open items (collecting agency delivery) view.

    You see the extended details of the outstanding items to be delivered to the collection agency in a new view.

Also see

Directly to

  1. Debtor monitoring
  2. Set or view the debtor monitoring status
  3. View payment behaviour
  4. Set or view a credit limit
  5. View outstanding items
  6. View a list of balances
  7. View an ageing analysis
  8. Record a dossier item
  9. View invoices
  10. Block and release invoices
  11. View a debtor card
  12. View the financial turnover by debtor
  13. Historical overview of debtors