Import fixed assets

You can import new fixed assets, fixed asset groups and fixed asset insurances.

If you work with multiple administrations then bear in mind that the administration in which the asset ends up is determined by the choice of asset group. The asset group includes the Administration field.

To import a new fixed asset:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Import assets and contract / Fixed assets.
  2. Set the import options.

    You can check if an asset (Fixed asset groups or Insurance) already exists by performing a search on a specific field. If an asset (fixed assets groups or insurance) is found that satisfies the search criteria then an error message is produced and the line is not imported.


    View the information about the import options in Fields so that you know what the implication of your choice is!

  3. Then continue using the import wizard.

To import existing fixed assets with depreciations:


The Depreciation initial only works if the years are blocked in the period table. Once the years that have already been processed are blocked, Profit calculates the asset sale book value as Purchase value minus Depreciation initial.

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Import assets and contract / Fixed assets.
  2. Set the import options.

    If you want to import assets you have already (partially) depreciated, you should also import the Depreciation initial field. This field must be filled with the total depreciated amount up to and including the current financial year.  You cannot import the Initial depreciation up to financial year and Initial depreciation up to period fields. Profit fills them automatically. To import, you follow the same procedure as described for Importing new Fixed assets.

To import new fixed assets groups:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Import activa en contract / Fixed assets groups.
  2. Set the import options.


    View the information about the import options in Fields so you know what the implications of your choice are!

  3. Then continue using the import wizard.

To import new fixed asset insurances:

  1. Go to: Financial / Management / Import assets and contract / Contract.
  2. Set the import options.


    View the information about the import options in Fields so you know what the implications of your choice are!

  3. Then continue using the import wizard.

Directly to

  1. Asset
  2. Add a new asset
  3. Add an asset using the purchase invoice
  4. Add an existing asset with depreciations
  5. Add an asset for random depreciation
  6. Add a linked asset to an asset
  7. Add a subsidy to an asset
  8. Delete a subsidy from an asset
  9. Add an investment to an asset
  10. Import fixed assets