Add an asset using the purchase invoice

During purchase invoice entry in the purchase journal, you can add fixed assets directly in the fixed assets administration. This saves time since you no longer have to open the function for adding an asset separately and because you already have all the asset details on the invoice.

If you add an attachment to the entry (to the first entry line), this attachment can then also be automatically recorded for the asset. The attachment is added to the dossier as a dossier item.


The ledger account to which you post entries must be configured for adding an asset via financial entries. You must configure the Asset destination as an optional destination for the Purchase Invoice dossier item type in order to allow an attachment to the entry to be recorded as a dossier item for the asset automatically.


Add an asset via the purchase invoice (10)

You enter this invoice and add the asset directly.

To add an asset from a purchase invoice:

  1. Go to: Financial / Enter / Journal.
  2. Enter a value in Financial year and Period. You enter the entry in this period.
  3. Select the purchase journal.
  4. Click on: Finish.
  5. Select the file (PDF) of the purchase invoice in Attachment if you want to add it. You can only select an attachment on the creditor’s first entry line.
  6. Select the creditor in Account.
  7. Enter the description.
  8. Enter the invoice amount including VAT in Amount credit.
  9. Go to: the next entry line.
  10. Select a fixed asset account in Account.

    Profit automatically enters the amount without VAT if the Allow VAT check box is selected for the ledger account.

  11. Select a value for Branch and Department.

    You must enter these values if you have set up allocations for the assets account.

  12. If you have selected the Add assets to purchase and bank entry check box for the assets account, you are asked if you want to add an asset directly.

  13. Add the asset.
  14. Complete the entry line for the VAT.

    If you have set a Preferred VAT code for the assets account, it appears automatically in the line.

  15. Click on: Finish.

See also

Add a purchase invoice to an existing asset

You can also add the details of a purchase invoice to an asset at a later time.

To add a purchase invoice to an existing asset:

  1. Go to: Financial / Fixed assets / Asset.
  2. Open the asset properties.
  3. Go to the tab:Invoices.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Enter the details from the invoice.
  6. Go to the tab:Dossier if you want to record the PDF of the purchase invoice.
  7. Click on: OK.
Also see

Directly to

  1. Asset
  2. Add a new asset
  3. Add an asset using the purchase invoice
  4. Add an existing asset with depreciations
  5. Add an asset for random depreciation
  6. Add a linked asset to an asset
  7. Add a subsidy to an asset
  8. Delete a subsidy from an asset
  9. Add an investment to an asset
  10. Import fixed assets