Delete a subsidy

You can delete subsidies as long as no depreciation periods have yet been journalised.

To delete a subsidy:

  1. Go to: Financial / Fixed assets / Asset.
  2. Open the asset properties.
  3. In Handling, select No further handling.
  4. Click on: OK.
  5. Click on the action: Revert journalising.

    Profit sets the journal entries to zero.

  6. Reopen the asset properties.
  7. Delete the subsidy.

Directly to

  1. Asset
  2. Add a new asset
  3. Add an asset using the purchase invoice
  4. Add an existing asset with depreciations
  5. Add an asset for random depreciation
  6. Add a linked asset to an asset
  7. Add a subsidy to an asset
  8. Delete a subsidy from an asset
  9. Add an investment to an asset
  10. Import fixed assets