Add a subsidy to an asset

You can record any subsidy amounts received per asset. Multiple subsidies can be assigned to one asset. You can process these subsidies in your administration in various ways.

If you have already journalised and you try to delete the subsidy then Profit displays the following blocking message: This subsidy cannot be deleted because the changed period amounts (as a result of the subsidy) have already been journalised. Change the Handling of the subsidy to No further handling or use the Undoing journalizing action to set the journalising to zero so that you can delete the subsidy.

To add a subsidy to an asset:

  1. Go to: Financial / Fixed assets / Asset.
  2. Open the properties of the desired asset.
  3. Go to the tab: Subsidies.
  4. Click on: New.
  5. Select a value for Type of subsidy.

    You can add your own values to this custom table.

  6. Enter the name of the subsidising agency or organisation in Agency.
  7. Enter a value in Attribution date.
  8. Enter a value in Subsidy amount.
  9. Select a value for Handling.

    In this case you have the following options:

    • D - Direct write off of purchase value: The subsidy is deducted from the purchase value and thus affects the depreciation period amounts.
    • P - Periodic release via equalisation reserve: The subsidy is released over a number of years (the entry for this is done using an equalisation reserve). Also enter the number of years in Release period (years). This determines the number of years over which the subsidy is released from the equalisation reserve in favour of the result.
    • G - No further handling: The subsidy is shown as information only. No further action takes place.
  10. The End date disinvestment is derived automatically from Attribution date and Release period (years).


    If you close the asset within the disinvestment period, you are sometimes obliged to repay (part of) the subsidy provided. Profit displays an alert if the asset is sold or disposed of before the disinvestment end date.

  11. Select the Investment tax credit check box if this applies.
  12. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Asset
  2. Add a new asset
  3. Add an asset using the purchase invoice
  4. Add an existing asset with depreciations
  5. Add an asset for random depreciation
  6. Add a linked asset to an asset
  7. Add a subsidy to an asset
  8. Delete a subsidy from an asset
  9. Add an investment to an asset
  10. Import fixed assets