View a car

It is best to view the cars by going to the fleet. Here you will have an overview of all the car data, regardless of the driver or employer the car is linked to.

To view cars:

  1. Go to: HR / Fleet / Fleet.

    You can see the current driver per car. The cars without an end date are still present in the organisation.

  2. Open the properties of the car.

    The properties of the car are displayed. In the top of the window you can see the employer the car is linked to.

  3. You see the history of the vehicle on the Directors, Kilometres and Maintenance tabs.

To display a report:

  1. Go to: HR / Output / HRM report.
  2. Open the report: Employees with lease cars (Profit).

    You see which employee has which car for each department.

  3. Close the report. 

Directly to

  1. Fleet
  2. Configure the fleet
  3. Add cars to the fleet
  4. Link a lease car to an employee
  5. Register mileage and services
  6. View cars
  7. Terminate the car usage