Check education documents

You check the education documents to determine the issue method in accordance with the requirements of the 'VO' and 'PO' council. If you want to deviate from the issue method compliant with the requirements of the 'VO' and 'PO' council for a particular education document, you make the change in the properties of the document line.

Profit records documents in a collective deed if you have selected a collective deed at the CLA or the employer level.

To check education documents:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Digital messages / Education documents.
  2. Open the view: Documents - to be generated

    You see the education documents that you can check.

  3. Click on the action: Check.

    While checking, Profit applies the issue method in compliance with the requirements of the 'VO' and 'PO' council. You see the issue method in the Issue deed column.

    More information: deed issue methods

  4. If you want to deviate from the issue method, change this in the properties:
    1. Open the properties of the document line.
    2. Select the issue method in Issue deed.
    3. Click on: OK.
  5. Select the document.
  6. Click on the action: Example, to display a preview of the document.

After checking the documents, they can be generated.

Directly to

  1. Education documents
  2. Configure education documents
  3. Add an education document
  4. View education documents
  5. Check education documents
  6. Generate education documents