View education documents

You can view the education documents you have generated or that are still to be generated.

If Profit prepares an education document for generation, you will not yet be able to open it. After the check, you can display a preview of the document.

To view education documents:

  1. Go to: HR / Payroll / Digital messages / Education documents.
  2. Open the view:
    • Documents - to be generated

      You see the education documents that you can generate.

    • Documents - already generated

      You see the education documents that you have already generated. When you open the education document, you open the dossier item. Profit displays the document immediately when you open the dossier item.

    • Documenten - reeds afgehandelde documenten

      You see the education documents that have not been generated in accordance to the issue method.

Directly to

  1. Education documents
  2. Configure education documents
  3. Add an education document
  4. View education documents
  5. Check education documents
  6. Generate education documents