Deliver CMS in multiple languages
On the pages delivered with the product, there is sometimes a piece of CMS (text with formatting). This text is not translated by the translation tool, but you can produce it in multiple languages.
CMS in multiple languages on a page:
Log on and start Site management.
- Click: New.
- Add the custom layout blocks.
- After this, add the custom layout blocks to an English, French and Flemish variants of the text.
- Open the properties of a custom layout block and select the Language restriction check box.
- For the language in which the text is written, select Visible in the language field.
The indication that it is for a specific language has now been set for this part.
Export the page (in the usual way) with SQL2Access. For the customer, we are now able to specify on the basis of the site language which contents block should be displayed.
These steps are only relevant for custom layout. Titles, subtitles, introduction texts, etc are still translated in the usual way.