Assign authorisation roles to a user

You link the authorisation role to a user.You do this in Profit Windows.

To assign an authorisation role to a user:

  1. Open Profit.
  2. Go to: General / Management / Authorisation tool.
  3. Go to the tab: User maintenance.
  4. Open the properties of the user who gets access to the InSite site.
  5. Go to the tab: Applications.
  6. If applicable, select the InSite check box.

    You can only select this check box for a new user.

  7. Go to the tab: General.
  8. Enter a value in Password and Confirm password.


    A password is only necessary if you have set the authentication method to Application authorisation in the properties of the virtual path.

  9. Click on: OK.
  10. Go to the tab: InSite on the right side of the screen.
  11. Select the authorisation role(s).

    In this example at least the Beheerder HRM.

    Ins_Autorisatierollen toekennen aan gebruiker (10)

  12. Close the Authorisation tool.
  13. Click on: Yes.

    De omgeving opent automatisch opnieuw, met de nieuwe instellingen.

See also

Directly to

  1. Authorisation in InSite
  2. Authorise an authorisation role and functionality
  3. Authorisation roles
  4. Assign an authorisation role to a user
  5. Assign authorisation roles to user groups
  6. View users per authorisation role
  7. Functionality
  8. Authorisation of tabs
  9. Windows authentication
  10. Authorise a site manager