Authorisation for InSite web parts

You can authorise Profit data in InSite. For example, a user with the InSite Manager role can view and maintain more employee data than a user with the HR Administrator role, who may only be allowed to enter leave and absence.

Per functionality you can determine which data:

  • Is accessible (the user cannot see the data)
  • Is visible (the user can see the data but cannot make any changes)
  • Is maintainable (the user can see the data and can make changes)

A page in InSite looks as follows:

Ins_Autorisatie op tabblad (30)


You cannot authorise the tabs of functionality supplied as default. However, if you do want to do this, you need to copy the existing functionality and link the copy to the authorisation role. You can authorise the tabs of this copied functionality.

You can authorise users for maintaining the tab, only viewing the tab, or allowing no access to the tab.


Authorise the tab for supplied functionality

You cannot authorise the tabs of functionality supplied as default. If you do want to do this, you need to copy the supplied functionality and then authorise the tabs.

To authorise a tab for supplied functionality:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. Select Based on existing functionality.
  4. Select the supplied functionality you want to copy.
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Enter the description.
  7. If required, enter a comment.
  8. Click on: Finish.
  9. Open the properties of the functionality.
  10. Go to the tab: Page parts.
  11. Open the tree structure of the part.
  12. Set the authorisation.
  13. Click on: OK.
Maintain a tab

If a user is allowed to maintain a tab, he can change fields etc.

To authorise tab maintenance:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Open the properties of the functionality.
  3. Go to the tab: Page parts.
  4. Open the tree structure of the part.
  5. In Authorisation of the selected item:, select Maintain.
  6. Click on: OK.
Read-only tab

Users are sometimes allowed to see certain information, but not to change it, for example the address information of the customers. You then give them Read only rights to the tab.

To authorise a read-only tab:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Open the properties of the functionality.
  3. Go to the tab: Page parts.
  4. Open the tree structure of the part.
  5. Authorise the tabs.
  6. Click on: OK.
  7. Go to: the site.
  8. Log on with the username and password.
  9. Go to: the menu you have authorised.
  10. Click on: .
  11. Click on: .
  12. Open the properties of the employee.
No access to tab

You also have information users are not allowed to view, for example the salary data of all of the employees. You assign No access to the tab for these users.

To disallow access to a tab:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Functionality.
  2. Open the properties of the functionality.
  3. Go to the tab: Page parts.
  4. Open the tree structure of the part.
  5. In Autorisatie van het geselecteerde onderdeel, select No access.
  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Authorisation in InSite
  2. Authorise an authorisation role and functionality
  3. Authorisation roles
  4. Assign an authorisation role to a user
  5. Assign authorisation roles to user groups
  6. View users per authorisation role
  7. Functionality
  8. Authorisation of tabs
  9. Windows authentication
  10. Authorise a site manager