Add a web server

If you are configuring a new extra web server, follow the steps below. You can host a domain on multiple web servers. You add an extra web server if you want to make use of multiple web servers to distribute the traffic and to keep the sites available if a web server fails. In Profit, you specify the web servers you want to use to make the pages available on the internet/intranet. Initially the web servers are not linked to anything.

If you add a web server, you then connect it to a (new) domain.


This function is only available in the Central Log-on Environment.

When you configure InSite, you add the web server directly to the domain and you can skip this procedure.


The web server must be in the same Windows domain as the application server.

There is one exception to this: this is not necessary if the user you enter here is the user on the DMZ machine. This means that here you must enter the user name '.\<User' (instead of <user> enter the correct name). This shows that this user is a local user. Please take into account that the Profit Application Service communicates between the domain and the DMZ, and by default SSL port 443 is used for this.

To add a web server:

  1. Go to: General / In & OutSite / Configuration / Web server.
  2. Click on: New.
  3. In Server name, enter the name of the web server. The server name must be unique in the Windows domain.

    Using the following steps, you can find the server name on the web server:

    1. Click on: the Windows Start button.
    2. Right-click on Computer.
    3. Open the properties.

      You now see the server name.

  4. Enter the description.
  5. In Type of web server, select the IIS version you use on the web server.

    The IIS version depends on the operating system:

    • Windows Server 2008: IIS7.0
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7: IIS7.5
  6. Click on: Next.
  7. In Address, enter the share name where you want to publish the web files. This is a path that starts with '\\', for example: \\Servername\Webfiles.

    You add a share in Windows. Grant a domain user at least change rights.

  8. You can set up a user with the correct rights in the Profit Update Service. You select this user in the next step.
  9. Select the Use different data to authenticate check box.
  10. Enter a value in User name and Password.
  11. Select the Update service.
  12. Click on: Finish.
  13. If necessary, add a domain or more domains if this has not happened yet.
  14. Next link one or more domains to the web server.

Directly to

  1. Multiple application servers with local web servers
  2. Install IIS with .NET Framework
  3. Configure IIS
  4. Add a domain
  5. Add a web server
  6. Link a web server to a domain
  7. Add a virtual path
  8. Add a site
  9. Start the Profit Site Deployment tool
  10. Publish a website
  11. Authorise users for portal access
  12. Log on to the site