Page with availability date and expiry date

You can enter an availability date and an expiry date for a document template. The visitor only sees the pages in the overview of the documents between the two days entered.

For instance, if you put up a document on a staff outing, you do not want this message to be visible anymore once the staff outing is over.

The procedure below is based on an author. A site manager can enter the dates by following the same steps.

Add a document with availability date and expiry date:

  1. Open the site.
  2. Log on with the username and password.
  3. Open the menu where you can add a document.

    For instance, if you can add documents using the My InSite menu, click My InSite.

  4. Click on: Create document.
  5. Select the document template.
  6. If the site manager has created different pages for different document templates, you can immediately start the action to create the document. For instance, Create News item document. In that case, you skip this step.
  7. Click on: New document.
  8. Enter the text for the document.

    You can edit the text using the CMS Editor.

  9. Click on: Save.
  10. Click on: Properties.
  11. Enter a value in Make available on.

    Here, enter the date from which the document can be read.

  12. Enter a value in Expired on.

    Here, enter the date from which the document is no longer available.

  13. Click on: Publish.

Directly to

  1. Document management
  2. Configure Document management
  3. Create a document as author
  4. Add a document as site manager
  5. Read a document
  6. Authorise a document for OutSite
  7. Document overview
  8. Add a response to a document
  9. View an overview of read and approved documents
  10. Page with availability date and expiry date
  11. Move a document to another document template
  12. Delete responses to a document
  13. Delete a draft page
  14. Delete a published document
  15. Documents from the document template
  16. Overviews of the document template
  17. Overview of multiple document templates
  18. Portal pages of the document template
  19. View responses to documents using a data collection
  20. New version of a downloadable file