Record employer accountancy data

Administration offices and accountants can record extra information per employer.


This functionality is only available if you  activateAccountancy.

To record employer accountancy data:

  1. Go to: HR / Organisation / Employer.
  2. Open the employer’s properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Accountancy.
  4. Select the employee responsible for the salary processing in Responsible for salaries.
  5. Select the expected salary entry in Salary processing type.

    You can use this data in analyses. It allows you for example to quickly view whether you still have to process periods for a DGA or for employers that only have fixed wage data.

Directly to

  1. Employer
  2. Add a CLA
  3. Add a tax authority agency
  4. Add a days closed table
  5. Add an employer
  6. Change a code
  7. Block an employer
  8. Record a deviating 'CBS'/CLA code per employer
  9. Record preferred values
  10. Link a CLA
  11. Link agencies
  12. Record the tax authority for the employer
  13. Record the ' Loonheffing' number for the employer
  14. Record deviating payment settings at the employer level
  15. Add job types
  16. Add jobs
  17. Import jobs for an employer
  18. Translate jobs
  19. Record accountancy data per employer