Serial article
A serial article is an article of which each example has a unique serial number.
The purpose behind serial numbers is to identify articles that have been purchased and/or sold. You always link a serial number to one example of a serial article.
An example of a serial article is a computer of which each example has its own serial number.
You use serial articles and lot articles to trace where you purchased them, where you have held them in stock and to whom you have sold them. Thus, you can use them to try to identify the cause of a complaint or to warn any customers who have purchased the same article. For a serial article you can trace each example of the article while, for lot articles, you can only trace lots. An article can never be both a serial article and a lot article.
You always track the stock of serial articles.
Furthermore, the Number of decimals is always 0 (zero). Units with factors (length x width, length x width x height) are not allowed for serial articles. You cannot even configure this!
Multiple units are allowed for serial articles. For instance, you can order three boxes each with twelve serial number articles. Serial numbers are recorded using the basic unit. (Thus, in this example, 3 x 12 = 36 pieces).
You can use serial numbers in combination with assembled items. Both the assembled item and the parts can have a serial number. If you track the stock of the assembled item, the serial number only applies to the assembled item and not to the parts. If the stock of the assembled item is not tracked then the serial number applies to the parts and not to the assembled item.
For an assembly article, you must enter a serial number both for the assembled item and for the parts.
If you use Multiple warehouses, it is important to know the location and the warehouse where the serial number can be found. You should therefore always record the warehouse and the warehouse location when you record the serial number. If you transfer stock between the various warehouses, you must also enter the serial number. Transfer is only possible if the serial number is in stock. Furthermore, you must enter the correct warehouse and location when you create the packing slip and the sales order.
- Configure
You must first activate the 'Serial numbers' functionality in the environment properties.
- Add a serial article
A serial article is a normal article with specific features.
- View a serial article
In the properties of a series article you can view data such as the stock balance and the entries.
- Add serial numbers to a serial article
After you have added a serial article, you can add serial numbers to it.
- Change a serial number
Changing a serial number is not difficult.
- Serial number in a purchase order
You can use serial numbers in both the purchase and sales processes. You are not obliged to specify the serial numbers in a purchase order.
- Serial number in a goods receipt
The serial number is mandatory for goods receipt.
- Serial number in a sales order
You can use serial numbers in both the purchase and sales processes. You are not obliged to specify the serial numbers in a sales order.
- Serial number in a packing slip
On the packing slip you have to enter the serial numbers of the article that you sell.
- Add a dossier item to a serial number.
You can add a dossier item to a serial number. You use this, for example, to register that there something is wrong with the serial number. You can then view the history of any communications regarding the serial number in the dossier.
- Return a serial article
You enter a serial number article that is returned using a negative packing slip or by entering stock (for instance, in a special warehouse).
Also see
- When entering a cost estimate
When entering a cost estimate it is never mandatory to record a lot number. If you enter a lot number, you have to enter the quantity as well. It is important that you also record the warehouse and/or the location. You can only enter a lot number from the warehouse selected. In the cost estimate, you can in principle use all available lots. For an article with serial numbers or lots, you must specify if Fifo, Lifo, Fefo or none of these apply. Depending on this setting, in the cost estimate Profit suggests the lines based on the receipt date of the serial numbers or the lots (sort in the search view). You can specify that an alternative is possible.
- Assembled item with a serial number
- Enter the return of a serial number article