Add replacement lines to Payroll journalising

There are several ways to replace or extend replacement lines.



We distinguish the following types of replacement lines:

  • General replacement lines

    A general replacement line refers to all ledger accounts in the chart of account. If you do not specify a ledger account in the replacement line, Profit knows it is dealing with a general replacement line. For example, you can use a general replacement line to renumber a 4-digit chart of accounts to a 6-digit chart of accounts, or to expand every account number with a job code or employer number.

  • Specific replacement lines

    Specific replacement lines refer to one specific ledger account. For example, you replace account '4000 by account '4100'. Specific replacement lines can also refer to a specific allocation code (such as a cost centre or organisational unit) or a combination of ledger account and allocation code.

Order for performing replacements

When journalising, Profit will check if replacement lines have been defined for the employer/journal structure combination. If not, no replacement actions are performed and Profit uses the account numbers from the journal structure. Profit takes into account any deviating journal structure recorded on the period line in the salary processing plan.

Profit uses the following order for replacements:

  1. Replacement lines referring to a specific ledger account and a specific allocation code.
  2. Replacement lines referring to a specific ledger account and an allocation code.
  3. Replacement lines referring to a specific ledger account.
  4. General replacement lines (all ledger accounts)

    If a specific replacement line applies to a ledger account, Profit does not apply general replacement lines to the account.


You have a 4-digit chart of accounts and you want to perform the following replacement actions:

  • Replace account 4000 with 4010.
  • Provide all accounts with the leading code 01..

    For this, you need two replacement lines:

  • Replace account 4000 with 01.4010.
  • Provide all accounts with the leading code 01..

    Therefore, a replacement line that replaces 4000 with 4010 does not give the desired result. This is because Profit will not execute the general replacement lines for account 4000 because a specific replacement line is present.

Also see