
Employees can save for extra leave by participating in a 'levensloopregeling'.

As from 1 January 2012 an employee can, under certain conditions, participate in the 'levensloopregeling':

  • If the employee has a balance of less than € 3,000, the employee can no longer make additional deposits. In that case the arrangement ends on 31 December 2012.
  • If the employee has a balance of € 3,000 or more, additional deposits are allowed. The employee does no longer accrue 'levensloopverlofkorting' over this deposit.

The employer asks the employee about this and then decides whether or not the employee is allowed to continue to participate. You record this choice in the payroll configuration.



The employer deposits the 'levensloop' premium in a special savings account for the employee. The employee is also allowed to have non-statutory holidays, 'ADV' days and overtime hours converted to 'levensloop' premium. It is not allowed to convert statutory holidays to premiums. The employee can use the 'levensloopregeling' to take time off for parental leave, care leave, a sabbatical, etc. The employer cannot turn down a request to participate in the 'levensloopregeling'. Every year the employee needs to choose between participation in the 'levensloopregeling', the 'spaarloonregeling' or neither of the two. It is not allowed to participate in both schemes in one year.

At the moment of saving, no 'Loonheffing' is due on the amount saved, but employee insurance premiums are. The 'Loonheffing' is only due when the employee uses the 'levensloopregeling' balance to take time off. In most cases the employee is entitled to an extra 'heffingskorting', the so-called 'levensloopverlofkorting'.

The maximum premium is 12% of the gross annual wage. If a total 'savings balance' of 210% of the gross wage has been reached, it is no longer allowed to make extra premium deposits. The savings balance can, however, grow with interest or yield. The employee is also allowed to have non-statutory holidays, 'ADV' days and overtime hours converted to 'levensloop' premium. It is not allowed to convert statutory holidays to premiums. The premium is non-deductible for the employee insurances, but deductible for income tax/social security and the 'ZVW'.

You can configure the 'levensloopregeling' based on the following diagram:

Wage components

In the Profit CLA and Basic CAO the following wage components are present for this purpose:

  • 100.004.916 'Levensloop Medewerkerbijdrage'
  • 100.004.917 'Levensloop Werkgeversbijdrage'
  • 100.004.918 'Levensloop bijdrage niet-deelnemer'
  • 100.004.919 'Levensloop premie (NT)'
  • 100.004.920 'Levensloop premie (BT)'
  • 100.004.921 'Levensloop premie BT (bedrag)'
  • 100.004.927 'Levensloop inhouding werkgeversbijdrage deelnemer (niet te storten)'
  • 100.004.928 'Levensloop betaling werkgeversbijdrage deelnemer (niet te storten)'


    Each wage component has a comment in which the operation of the wage component is explained. Always take a look at this explanation on the Comment tab in the properties of the wage component in the CLA. If you do not have the wage component available, first activate it.

'Levensloop' contribution for non-participant

The 100.004.918 'Levensloop bijdrage niet-deelnemer' wage component pays out the 100.004.916 'Levensloop Medewerkerbijdrage' wage component as gross wage to employees who do not participate in the ‘Levensloopregeling'. After all, the employer has the option to make a contribution. If the employer does this, he is obliged to give non-participants the same reimbursement. No settings are necessary, because the wage component copies these from the 100.004.917 'Levensloop Werkgeversbijdrage' wage component.

'Levensloop premie (NT)'

The 100.004.919 'Levensloop premie (NT)' wage component adds up the employee and employer shares of the ‘Levensloop' premium and posts the result to a ‘Levenslooprekening'. On the Bank tab, link this wage component to the ‘Levenslooprekening' of this employee, so that the money is paid into the correct account automatically.

The wage component takes into account a maximum of 12% of the cumulative 'Levensloopgrondslag' (=Column 6 of the payroll statement). If you want to exceed this maximum, set the 'Maximum toepassen' parameter to No. If in a later period you return the parameter to Yes, a cumulative recalculation is carried out.


If you also use the 100.004.920 'Levensloop premie (BT)', you link this wage component to the same account as the 100.004.919 'Levensloop premie (NT)' wage component. Specify the same deviating payment reference for both components, to prevent the 'NT' and the 'BT' payments from getting split.

No savings in 2012

If an employee did not save anymore in 2012, then this employee only receives payment for interest. You pay this out taxed at 100%. You can use the 100.004.922 'Levensloop Uitkering' wage component for this.


Also see