Add a selection group

For a choice or multiple-choice question you can add a selection group. You can use selection groups for questions for which there are a limited number of possible answers. This applies to both questions for which only one answer is allowed and questions that allow for multiple answers.

If a user has selected a particular choice in a survey, Profit blocks the existing choices of the selection group. In that case, these choices can no longer be changed or deleted. You can still add choices to the selection group, however. The Selection groups view contains the Blocked field in which Profit indicates the status. You cannot change this field.

Points for attention when creating answer groups

Below are a number of issues you should take into account when creating answer groups:

  • The answers should match the way the question is formulated (linguistically and logically).
  • The answers should cover all options. That is why it may be necessary to add categories such as N/A, Don’t know/no opinion and Other .
  • The answers should be mutually exclusive.
  • If possible, the answers should use the same units as the questions (for example, weight should always be expressed in kilograms). This is not always required. For example, you can also use the following dimensions: Less than seven days, More than 7 days but less than one year, More than one year.

A selection group contains only the possible/allowed answers. Depending on the question's properties, the respondent can give one or more answers.

To add a selection group:

You can link a selection group to multiple questions.

  1. Go to: General / Survey / Configuration / Selection group.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Enter a code or select the Auto numbering check box to have Profit determine the code.
  4. Enter the description.
  5. Enter the number of options (answers) that should be displayed side by side in the generated survey in Number of columns. For the choice group Jaargetijden, you should enter 4 to display spring, summer, autumn and winter after one another.
  6. Click on: Finish
  7. Select the choice group.
  8. Click on the action: Add selections.
  9. Profit displays an entry layout in which you can add the choices:
    • The sequence number determines the order of the choices in the generated surveys.
    • If applicable, enter a score for calculated questions. You can also use scores in analyses.
    • You cannot change the Block field.
  10. Click on: Finish.

    You can also view the choice values in the properties of a selection group and edit them by selecting Actions (F8) / Choices.

Directly to

  1. Configure surveys
  2. Activate a survey
  3. Add a question category
  4. Add a selection group
  5. Add a question
  6. Add a calculation question
  7. Add a question using an entry layout
  8. Add a survey model
  9. Add a question to a survey model
  10. Add a category to a survey model