Add a question category

You can classify the questions using categories. That way, you can assign all linked questions to a survey model in one go. The use of question categories is not mandatory. Please refer to Description of surveys for more information.

To add a question category:

  1. Go to: General / Survey / Configuration / Question category.
  2. Click on: New
  3. Complete the fields.

    When you generate a survey containing this question category, the description appears as the title of the question category on the survey. Following the title are the comments on the question category and then the associated questions.

  4. Click on: Finish
  5. Open the properties of the added question category.
  6. Go to the tab: Questions.

    You can now immediately add a question and link it to the question category. You can link the same question to another question category later on.

  7. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure surveys
  2. Activate a survey
  3. Add a question category
  4. Add a selection group
  5. Add a question
  6. Add a calculation question
  7. Add a question using an entry layout
  8. Add a survey model
  9. Add a question to a survey model
  10. Add a category to a survey model