Configure a bank order set

You configure this functionality if you want to start working with bank order sets. You use bank order sets to collect bank orders from multiple administrations within one single environment.

You use bank order sets to collect payment orders (payment order set), collection orders (collection set) and refunds (refund set).


This functionality only works for bank order files in the SEPA format (XML). The DTL, Girotel offline and BTL91 file formats are excluded.

In addition, this functionality is not suitable either if you have configured a bank integration with internet banking within AFAS Online.



If your environment has multiple administrations and you make automatic payments from multiple administrations, you generate a separate payment file for each administration and submit them separately to the telebanking software of your bank. However, you can also submit them to the telebanking software all at once in a bank order set. A bank order set is a collection of bank order files that allows you to collect a set of bank orders from multiple administrations and put them into one bank order file, when generating one single run.

This saves a lot of time and reduces the risk of errors, like forgetting payment files or overwriting existing files.


Also see