Configure allocation axes

You determine the settings of the allocation axis.

The Round to and Remainder to code fields are only relevant to the breakdown of allocated amounts.

To configure allocation axes:

  1. Go to: Financial / Allocation / Allocation axis.
  2. Open the properties of the allocation axis.
  3. Go to the tab: General.
  4. Complete the fields.

    You can round off amounts that you break down by percentages so that rounded amounts are created after the allocation. If you are not using the break down function, then this setting is not relevant. You can only break down entries on allocation axis 1: this field is not available for other axes.

    After rounding, a remainder will be left over. Profit will allocate this remainder to the allocation code in the 'Remainder to code' field.

  5. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Configure the allocation
  2. Activate the Allocation functionality
  3. Specify settings
  4. Configure allocation axes
  5. Add allocation codes
  6. Link allocation codes to ledger accounts
  7. Collectively delete allocation assignments
  8. Set preferred allocations
  9. Renumber allocation codes
  10. Allocation dependencies
  11. Configure the allocation breakdown