Renumber allocation code / cost centres

You can change the allocation code. This change is not automatically processed in the financial entries.


Profit HR/Payroll has its own chart of accounts and its own cost centres/cost units. You add these cost centres and cost units to the employer in HR/Payroll.

To renumber allocation code / cost centres:

  1. Go to: Financial / Allocation / Allocation code.
  2. Select the allocation code.
  3. Click on the action: Renumber.
  4. Enter the new code.
  5. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Configure the allocation
  2. Activate the Allocation functionality
  3. Specify settings
  4. Configure allocation axes
  5. Add allocation codes
  6. Link allocation codes to ledger accounts
  7. Collectively delete allocation assignments
  8. Set preferred allocations
  9. Renumber allocation codes
  10. Allocation dependencies
  11. Configure the allocation breakdown