View a subscription invoice

You can view the generated subscription invoice.

To view a subscription invoice:

  1. Go to Subscriptions / Invoicing / Invoices.
  2. Open the properties of the invoice.
  3. If applicable, enter a value in Order number/reference if you have added this field.
  4. Click on the action:Print preview.

    Sub_Abonnementsfactuur raadplegen (10)

    You now see the Subscription invoice (Profit) report. You can add your own report based on this supplied report. You then link this report in the sales contact profile.

Directly to

  1. Invoice subscriptions
  2. Pro forma invoicing
  3. Automatic invoicing
  4. Deviating collection of a subscription invoice
  5. Issue invoices
  6. View a subscription invoice
  7. View subscription invoice lines
  8. Print a subscription invoice again
  9. Manually credit a subscription invoice
  10. Collectively delete subscription invoices