Collectively change dossier items

The moment you have submitted a dossier item, it is recorded in the contact's dossier. These dossier items can be changed collectively.

It is possible to change field values collectively for fields in a number of dossier items that you have selected.

You can use this for instance if you have entered a responsible person and this person leaves the company. Or if you have added dossier items from a generated campaign action and then decide to shift responsibility for a number of these dossier items to another user. You can use the Edit collectively option to change the Resp. person field to another employee.

To collectively change dossier items:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Edit collectively.
  2. Set the filter so you only see the dossier items that you want to change collectively.


    If you do not set a filter in the Dossier view, all dossier items in the view will be changed!

  3. Click on the action: Edit collectively
  4. Select the Change field check box after the field that you want to change collectively.
  5. Enter the new value that you want to use for the field in all selected dossier items. For example, select another employee.
  6. Repeat this for all fields that you want to change.
  7. Click on: Next

    You now see a list of all dossier items that will not be changed (compared to the list of dossier items that you got after you set the filter). Reasons for this can be that the field that you want to change is not in the dossier item or that a dossier item is in a workflow.

  8. Click on: Finish

    You now receive the following message: Client record items have been updated.

  9. Click on: OK

Directly to

  1. Dossier
  2. Configuration
  3. Dossier in InSite
  4. Record a dossier item
  5. Record dossier items using the Profit Communication Center
  6. View a dossier item
  7. Central dossier view
  8. Change a dossier item
  9. Collectively change
  10. Collectively delete dossier items
  11. Collectively delete dossier items including a workflow
  12. Import dossier items