Collectively delete dossier items including a workflow

In addition to collectively deleting dossier items that are no longer in the workflow, you can also delete all dossier items, including the dossier items from the workflow.

To collectively delete dossier items, including a workflow:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Dossier.
  2. Activate multiselect by pressing Ctrl+S.
  3. Select the dossier items to de deleted.
  4. Click on the action: Delete collectively.
  5. Click on: Yes.

Directly to

  1. Dossier
  2. Configuration
  3. Dossier in InSite
  4. Record a dossier item
  5. Record dossier items using the Profit Communication Center
  6. View a dossier item
  7. Central dossier view
  8. Change a dossier item
  9. Collectively change
  10. Collectively delete dossier items
  11. Collectively delete dossier items including a workflow
  12. Import dossier items