Import dossier items

You can import new dossier items from an external file into Profit. It is not possible to import changes to dossier items.

Restrictions when importing dossier items:

  • A user can import all types for which he is authorised.
  • With every import, you can only import dossier items of one particular dossier item type. This is necessary because much depends on the type, such as which custom fields are associated with it.
  • The import of dossier items of types for which no single destination is possible, is not supported.
  • You cannot import responses to a dossier item.
  • If the option Generate document (outgoing mail) is selected for a dossier item type, everything is left as it is.
  • If you import dossier items that have been linked to multiple organisations/users by using a bulk submission, a dossier item is created for every destination (instead of one dossier item linked to all destinations).


    Depending on the features that have been completed, a dossier item can enter a workflow automatically after it has been imported.

To import dossier items:

  1. Go to: CRM / Management / Import CRM / New file.
  2. Next, proceed with importing using the wizard.

When importing a dossier item you can link the following fields:


  • Sender (optional): If blank, enter the user who performs the import
  • Submission date (optional): If blank, enter current date/time
  • Description
  • Contents
  • Attachment: Here, enter the path to the attachments.


    For a client/server installation where a COM+ user is used, files should be saved on a local drive (C:) or in a share for which the COM+ user has at least has read rights.

  • Special fields: All special fields based on dossier item type configuration (see below).
    • Cause (internal ID of dossier item)
    • Feature 1 value
    • Feature 2 value
    • Feature 3 value

Dossier links

  • All With regard to fields based on dossier item type configuration

Extra dossier

  • All links based on dossier item type configuration (see below)

    Depending on the configuration of the dossier item type, fields are optional, mandatory or not visible. This applies to:

  • Options for dossier item (start date, end date, text, completed, etc.)

    These fields will be Not visible or Optional depending on whether the option has been selected for the type. These fields are never mandatory.

  • Destination

    Organisation/person ID and Contact Person ID will be optional, mandatory or not visible. This depends on the settings in the dossier item type according to the same rules that make these fields optional, mandatory or not visible in the wizard.

    Depending on the same settings, the With regard to fields are visible or can be linked. If any check boxes in the import that have been selected are found to be incorrect when compared to the organisation/person in the environment, the import will fail. For example this is the case if the With regard to check box for an employee has been selected, but the organisation/person linked is not an employee. The One of these mandatory option is considered to be [optional].

    When importing dossier items in the Organisation/person field, you can select Fixed value. Next, you can select an Organisation/person in a search window.

  • Dossier/extra

    Links with the extra dossiers (project, course, etc.) are optional, mandatory or not visible. This depends on the settings in the dossier item type.

  • Features

    The visibility of features depends on whether the Use features check box is selected for the dossier item type.

  • Custom fields

    Custom fields are visible if the Use custom fields option has been selected for the dossier item type and a file with custom fields is linked to it.


  • All CRM destinations need to be determined by using the organisation/person and contact IDs. This means that you cannot work with the IDs of for instance sales contacts or employees. This is in contrast to the UpdateConnector in which a transfer field has been created for this purpose.


  • Depending on the features that have been completed, a dossier item can enter the workflow automatically after it has been imported.

Custom fields

  • Custom fields are determined on the basis of the dossier item type. Depending on the dossier item type selected, the linked custom fields are available.

Directly to

  1. Dossier
  2. Configuration
  3. Dossier in InSite
  4. Record a dossier item
  5. Record dossier items using the Profit Communication Center
  6. View a dossier item
  7. Central dossier view
  8. Change a dossier item
  9. Collectively change
  10. Collectively delete dossier items
  11. Collectively delete dossier items including a workflow
  12. Import dossier items