Collectively delete dossier items

The dossier item that you submit is saved in the contact's dossier. These dossier items can be deleted collectively. You can select a number of dossier items and delete these in one go.


If you select CRM / Dossier / Dossier, the view only shows the dossier items marked as confidential (CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type / Settings tab). You can only delete these dossier items if you deselect this check box, because otherwise you do not see them in the view.

To collectively delete dossier items:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Edit collectively.

    You are now in the Dossier view.

  2. Set the filter in such a way that you only see those dossier items that you want to delete collectively.


    If you do not set a filter in the Dossier view, all dossier items in the view will be deleted!

  3. Click on the action: Delete collectively.
  4. Click on: Next.

    You now see a list of all dossier items that will not be deleted (compared to the list of dossier items that you received after you set the filter). A reason for this can be that the dossier item is in a workflow.

  5. Click on: Finish.

    A message is displayed.

  6. Click on: OK.

Directly to

  1. Dossier
  2. Configuration
  3. Dossier in InSite
  4. Record a dossier item
  5. Record dossier items using the Profit Communication Center
  6. View a dossier item
  7. Central dossier view
  8. Change a dossier item
  9. Collectively change
  10. Collectively delete dossier items
  11. Collectively delete dossier items including a workflow
  12. Import dossier items