Use teams in the actual costing

You can set per project that only project team members are allowed to enter the actual costing on that project. This prevents non-team members from posting hours to projects.

The Only allow team members to enter actual costing setting is an addition to the validity combinations that apply to the project. If you select this setting for a project, it applies to entering Actual costing per line, Actual costing per period and Actual costing per week.

If you enter actual costing lines for a project for which you are a team member, Profit can automatically enter the preferred work type for you. For the work type, Profit uses the type that has been set in the project team for you as a team member. If no work type has been specified for you as a team member, Profit copies the preferred value from the team role of the team member. Profit only copies the value of the preferred work type to the actual costing if you have not yet entered a work type on the actual costing line.

To specify that only team members can enter the actual costing for a project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Project / Project.
  2. Open the project properties.
  3. Go to the tab: Project management.

    Pro_Teams in nacalculatie gebruiken (20)

  4. Select a team in Team if one has not yet been linked.
  5. Select the Only allow team members to enter actual costing check box.

    If you select this check box and have linked a project team, only team members can enter actual costing for this project.


    You can select this check box even if no team has been linked in Team. For example, if you want to create a project already and want to link teams later on. In that case, actual costing cannot yet be entered for this project. As long as no team is linked to this project, users/employees see the message 'Only team members are allowed to enter actual costing for project X'.

  6. Click on: OK.

To enter the actual costing for a project:

  1. Go to: Projects / Actual costing / Actual costing per line.
  2. Complete the fields in the entry layout header.
  3. Click on the action: F5. Select.
  4. Complete the entry line.

    Profit checks if the employee is a project team member and is allowed to enter actual costing for the project in question. If that is not the case, a message appears as in this screenshot.

See also

Directly to

  1. Teams
  2. Configure teams
  3. Add a generic team
  4. Link a generic team to a project
  5. Add a specific team from a project and link it to a project
  6. Use teams in a cost estimate
  7. entry layout of the cost estimate
  8. Use teams in the actual costing
  9. View and change a team
  10. Copy team members
  11. Replace a team member
  12. Import team members
  13. Teams in InSite
  14. Teams in OutSite