Add a generic team

Add a generic team if you want to be able to link this team to multiple projects.

To add a generic team:

  1. Go to: Projects / Team / Team.
  2. Click on: New.

    Profit opens an entry lay-out for the new team. You see that the Specific to one project is check box is deselected.

  3. Specify the team.
  4. Enter the description.

    Add the team members to the lines.

  5. Select Employee or Contact for Team member type.

    Select Employee for Team member type if you want to add an internal employee as a member of the team. Select Contact for a customer or a third-party employee.

  6. Select or enter the name in Team member.
  7. Select the team role.

    Depending on whether the Team member type is of the Employee or Contact type, you can select an internal or an external team role. For example, for the Employee type you cannot select External project manager and for the Contact type you cannot select Internal project manager.

    The Internal project manager and External project manager roles can both only appear once in a team.

  8. If you want to, enter the preferred work type in Wtp.. When the team member in question enters the actual costing on a linked project, Profit copies this value.

    You can complete this field for internal employees only.

  9. Click on the action: Link projects if you want to immediately link a team to one or more projects. If you do not link a team immediately, you can also link it at a later stage.
  10. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Teams
  2. Configure teams
  3. Add a generic team
  4. Link a generic team to a project
  5. Add a specific team from a project and link it to a project
  6. Use teams in a cost estimate
  7. entry layout of the cost estimate
  8. Use teams in the actual costing
  9. View and change a team
  10. Copy team members
  11. Replace a team member
  12. Import team members
  13. Teams in InSite
  14. Teams in OutSite