Substitute a team member

You can replace a team member in a team. Profit substitutes the team member (optionally with role) in all selected teams (teams with selected projects) with the new team member.

When substituting a team member, Profit takes the following rules into account:

  • If the substitution results in a duplicate team member/role combination, Profit does not implement the change, but removes the team member/role combination to be substituted.
  • If you substitute the team member with the internal/external project manager role, Profit also changes the project manager in the project.

To substitute a team member:

  1. Go to: Projects / Team / Team.
  2. Click on the action: Replace team member.
  3. Select the current team member’s data in Team member to be replaced:
    1. Select Employee or Contact in Type. Select Employee if you want to substitute an internal employee or select Contact for a customer employee.
    2. Select a value for External org./pers. if the team member to be substituted is an external contact.
    3. Select the team member.
    4. Select Team member role if you want the New team member to have the same role as the team member who is substituted. If you do not enter the role, Profit substitutes the team member in all teams he is part of, regardless of his role.
  4. Select the data of the new team member in New team member.
  5. Click on: Next.
  6. Select the check box for the teams where you want to substitute this team member.
  7. Click on: Finish.

Directly to

  1. Teams
  2. Configure teams
  3. Add a generic team
  4. Link a generic team to a project
  5. Add a specific team from a project and link it to a project
  6. Use teams in a cost estimate
  7. entry layout of the cost estimate
  8. Use teams in the actual costing
  9. View and change a team
  10. Copy team members
  11. Replace a team member
  12. Import team members
  13. Teams in InSite
  14. Teams in OutSite