Add a contract, salary, job or timetable (multiple simultaneous contracts)

A new salary, contract, timetable and job line always relates to a particular employment number. The further procedure for adding a new salary, contract, timetable and job line broadly matches the procedure without the Multiple employments functionality.


Add a contract

For each employee the same CLA applies to all concurrent employments. If you select a different CLA (when changing a contract or in a new contract), this CLA will apply to all current employments of the employee.

To add a contract:

  1. Go to: HR / Employee / Employee.
  2. Open the properties of the employee.
  3. Go to the tab: Contract.
  4. Click on: New
  5. Select the employment for which you want to add a new contract.

    If there is only one employment, Profit skips this step. If necessary, first add a new additional employment.

  6. Click on: Next
  7. Enter the start date.

    Profit copies all data from the previous contract for the selected employment. Check this data and make the changes.

  8. Click on: Finish
Add or change timetable

If you add a specified timetable (with a fixed working schedule), Profit will check if it overlaps with specified timetables from other employments. If the working hours overlap, Profit alerts you because that is not allowed. Because of the combination of multiple timetables, the employee may have a part-time percentage greater than 100%.

Use the Timetable deviation function to view the timetable lines for all employments. If Profit reports that the Employment field is missing, you can add it to the entry layout for timetable deviations via General / Management / Entry layout.

Directly to

  1. Labour relation and employment (multiple simultaneous contracts)
  2. Start of employment
  3. Add an additional employment in InSite
  4. Add an additional employment
  5. Add a sub-employment
  6. New contract, salary, job or timetable
  7. Change the main employment
  8. View labour relation, employment and contracts
  9. End a labour relation