Journal structure

In the journal structure you link a debit and credit account to each wage component.



A journal structure consists of the following components:



Financial features

You can organise the chart of accounts using financial features.

Wage components

The wage components from the CLA that Profit journalises.


The ledger accounts that are part of the chart of accounts.

Financial features

You can organise the chart of accounts using financial features. You use a financial feature to group wage components that have the same feature. This allows you to clearly organise the journal structure so you can find the wage components faster and can quickly compare the journal entries for the wage components.


The Bruto loon financial feature groups all wage components that affect the gross wage of the employee.


A journal structure is not year-dependent. This means that if you change the journal structure, Profit carries out the change retroactively in the salary processing when you initiate RAE entries.

If you want a new journal structure for a specific period, you add a new journal structure. You then link the new journal structure to the employer, which retroactively affects the salary processing for the previous periods. You add a correction period in which you process the changes to the journal structure. A journal entry with the correction is created in the correction period.

Also see