'PLO/OLP' (collective)

You submit a periodic statement for an employer if the employer is registered at certain pension agencies.



The delivery is different for each agency. Consult the documentation or the website of the agency in question for more information. For example, for ‘Cordares’ you can upload the statement on the website www.administratienet.nl, or send it by e-mail to berichten-inname@cordares.nl.

Points of attention:

  • Zelfstandigen Afbouw and Natuursteen

    As from 2011, the delivery for employees with CLA code 'Cordares' 093 (Afbouw (zelfstandigen)) and 094 (Natuuursteen (zelfstandigen)) is made every half year on the website networks of 'Cordares'. In Profit, you can deselect the Generate 'OLP Cordares' check box on the 'PLO' tab of the properties of the employer in question.

  • Agencies

    For every ‘PLO’ that is submitted, the correct agency must be present so the ‘PLO’ can be structured correctly.

  • PLO A & O Services

    The ‘PLOs’ for ‘Afbouw’ and ‘Schilders’ must be delivered in separate files. If you deliver the data for ‘Stukadoors’ or ‘Schilders’ in a collective file, Profit displays both in the 'PLO' sent view once you have created the first file. This is only an incorrect view. The files are generated correctly.

    Before the first 'PLO’ delivery for ‘A & O Services’, you submit a test delivery. This is a once-only process for which no default functionality is available in Profit. You can designate the ‘PLO’ file as a test delivery by adjusting the setup record in the generated ‘PLO’ file using Windows Notepad. In the manual about digital deliveries on the website www.ao-service.nl, you can find information on the positions that you can change in the 'PLO’ file.


    For a new customer (employer), you do not have to make a test delivery. This only applies when make your first 'PLO’ delivery as the sender.

  • File management

    Rename, move or delete the file for every employer after sending it, because the old file will be replaced by a new file when you create a new statement. For example, rename the file after it has been sent by adding the name of the sender/employer and the period number.


You cannot send a correction ‘PLO’ or ‘OLP’ separately. If you implement a correction in Profit, Profit always includes it in the next period.

If you process corrections in the last approved period and include these corrections in the next period, Profit processes them as correction in the ‘PLO’ or ‘OLP’ of the next period.

Year-end transition

If the last day(s) of a year and the first days of the new year fall in the same week, Profit takes this into account in the delivery to ‘Cordares’. By default, Profit calculates on the basis of 261 days in the payroll configuration. This is in accordance with the pension plan. For the 'Cordares’ file, in the last period (fixed end date 31-12-XXXX) and in the first period (fixed 01-01-XXXX), Profit determines an end date with a fixed value.

  • Four-weekly

    In the case of a four-weekly delivery, period 13 is the period from 2-12-2013 to 31-12-2013.

  • Month

    In the case of a monthly delivery, the last month is the period from 01-12-2013 to 31-12-2013.

For both types of deliveries, the new wage time frame starts on 01-01-2014.


  • Configure the digital data delivery to pension funds


Directly to

  1. Digital deliveries to pension funds
  2. 'PLO/OLP' (collective)
  3. ‘APG’ pension data delivery
  4. Digital 'PGGM / GMA'
  5. ‘Syntrus Achmea’ pension declaration
  6. 'SPOV' pension data delivery
  7. ‘TKP Vervoer’ pension data delivery
  8. 'Pensioenfonds Bakkersbedrijf'