Activate hybrid administrations

If you want to add an administration for Belgium, the Netherlands Antilles or Luxembourg to a Dutch environment, you must first activate the functionality for the country in question. Profit only supports the VAT configuration of the Benelux countries and the Netherlands Antilles.

To activate the legislative country in hybrid administrations:

  1. Go to: General / Environment / Management / Properties.
  2. Go to the tab: Activation.
    • Activate Nederlandse Antillen (functionaliteit) if you have a Dutch environment and you want to add an administration with the Netherlands Antilles as the Legislative country.
    • Activate Luxembourg (functionality) if you have a Dutch environment and you want to add an administration with Luxembourg as the Legislative country.
    • Activate Belgium (functionality) if you have a Dutch environment and you want to add an administration with Belgium as the Legislative country.

See also

Directly to

  1. Administration
  2. Activate the functionality for hybrid administrations of countries
  3. Add an administration
  4. Record settings
  5. Delete an administration
  6. Administration sets
  7. Configure a settlement account relationship for multiple administrations