Allow e-mailing of credit invoices using the Output wizard

By default, you can only e-mail one credit invoice at a time using the E-mail action. That is because a credit invoice usually is an exception. If you still want to e-mail multiple credit invoices, you can use the Output wizard if that is allowed based on the module settings.

To allow credit invoices to be e-mailed using the Output wizard:

  1. Go to:
    • Order Management / Management / Settings
    • CRM / Course management / Invoicing / Settings
    • Projects / Management / Settings / Invoicing/stock
    • Subscriptions / Management / Settings
    • Hours/Declarations / Management / Settings / Invoicing
  2. Go to the tab: General.
  3. Select the E-mail credit invoices using the output wizard check box.
  4. Click on: OK.
  5. Click on Yes in the message.

Directly to

  1. Configure report e-mailing
  2. Change/add reports
  3. Authorise the e-mail configuration
  4. AFAS Online email server conditions
  5. Environment e-mail settings
  6. Set up a message template
  7. Configure e-invoicing
  8. Configure sales contacts for e-mailing and printing
  9. Configure purchase contacts for e-mailing and printing
  10. Allow the e-mailing of credit invoices using the Output wizard
  11. Translate supply report PDF file name
  12. Issue a report by e-mail