Insert a task in a workflow

You can insert a task in an existing workflow. This does not mean that you need to build a workflow all over again. This saves you a lot of time when changing large workflows.

Ins_Taak tussenvoegen

To insert a task in a workflow:

  1. Open Profit.
  2. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  3. Open the properties of the dossier item type..
  4. Go to the tab: Workflows.
  5. Open the properties of the workflow..
  6. Drag the To be dealt with task to the action to which you want to add the task.

    In this example you select Task 1.

  7. Select the task just added.
  8. Change the properties of the task.
  9. Select the Complete action for the task just added.
  10. Change the properties of the action.
  11. Click on: Save.
  12. Click on: Publish.

Other procedures:

If you click on a step in the process, the linked Help page opens.

Directly to

  1. Maintain a workflow
  2. Insert a task in a workflow
  3. Delete a task
  4. Make a response mandatory in an action of a workflow
  5. Checks for error messages in the workflow
  6. Change a workflow description
  7. Check the destination of a task
  8. Change the users in a workflow
  9. (Temporarily) block a workflow
  10. Delegate a task to another user
  11. Delete a workflow