Check the destination of a task

Each task in a workflow has a destination. You record who (or which group) must complete the task. If you do not know to whom a task is assigned, you can check this in the Workflow Editor.

To check the destination of a task:

  1. Go to: CRM / Dossier / Configuration / Dossier item type.
  2. Open the properties of the dossier item type..

    If you do not know the dossier item type to which the workflow is linked, you start the workflow in InSite. The description of the dossier item type appears.

  3. Go to the tab: Workflows.
  4. Open the properties of the workflow..
  5. Click on the task for which you want to check the destination.
  6. Under Task intended for, you see which user, group and/or responsibility is allowed to complete this task.

    Ins_Bestemming controleren (10)

    In this example, this is the group Rol: In -en OutSite beheer and the Verantwoordelijkheid: Manager.

  7. Check which users are linked to the group and/or to the responsibility.

    More information: check the users in a group.

  8. Close the Workflow Editor.

Directly to

  1. Maintain a workflow
  2. Insert a task in a workflow
  3. Delete a task
  4. Make a response mandatory in an action of a workflow
  5. Checks for error messages in the workflow
  6. Change a workflow description
  7. Check the destination of a task
  8. Change the users in a workflow
  9. (Temporarily) block a workflow
  10. Delegate a task to another user
  11. Delete a workflow