Actual costing

By actual costing we mean 'registering the consumption per project'


You can register the actual costs (per project) using actual costing.

You can enter this consumption in the following ways:

  • By entering employee hours (work types) that have a cost price linked to them.
  • By entering units (costs, such as kilometres) that have a cost price linked to them.
  • By copying the Cost estimate.
  • By using the terms of employment to link a leave request to a project and work type.
  • By creating a project entry using Project and Costs when entering purchase invoices in the Profit Financial entry program. As a result, you are not only posting a financial entry, but also changing the actual costing. The option is determined per ledger account.
  • By entering materials (articles) that have a cost price linked to them, either directly or using a project slip.
  • By entering an appointment of the Actual costing type to Profit Calendar.
  • In addition to adding lines manually, they can also be created using the import function or the Update Connector.

Registration of actual costing with integration


Overhead costs

If you want to calculate overhead costs, enter an overhead percentage in Project, Project group, Work type and/or Type of work group. When entering an actual costing line or a financial project entry, Profit copies the percentage to the line. Per line you can deviate from the percentage by adding the 'Percentage overhead' field to the entry layout. An overhead line is then created and all the lines that contain an overhead percentage are added up on that line.


The general meaning of 'compress' is to collect and totalize multiple source lines into one target line. This not only applies to invoices, but can also apply to other lines.

For example:

  • In Profit Projects, if actual costing lines are posted to work types, you can specify that you want to compress the project invoices by work type. This means that all the actual costing lines with the same work type are 'added up' and displayed on the invoice on one single line with the total number of hours and the total amount of all added actual costing lines. In this example, the original lines are also saved as invoice lines and can be used, for example to be printed as a specification.
  • If you work with stock in Profit Logistics, and you post corresponding journal entries, then compressed journal entries are created in Profit Financial. This way you will have one journal entry per item group per period. After all, it is not desirable to have each individual stock entry posted to the ledger per item. In this example the source lines are also not visible in Financial. If you want to view the details of a journal entry, you will have to go to Logistics and find the original stock entries.
  • In Profit Projects you can work with integrated Work In Progress (WIP). Compressed journal entries are then also created for the WIP. In this case too, you would need to go to the source in Projects for the details, because they are not transferred to Financial.



  • Enter the actual costing

    'Actual costing' is a general term used for the registration of the costs that have been entered for a project.

  • Change the actual costing

    You can view and change the actual costing entries by retrieving the properties of an entry.

  • Delete the actual costing

    You can delete actual costing entries.

  • Actual costing using InSite

    Employees can use InSite to enter their own actual costing (hours). Managers can also use it to correct and approve the hours for their employees.

  • Carry forward purchase invoices and cost entries

    If you work with Profit Projecten and Profit Financieel, you can post purchase invoices and cost entries from Profit Financieel as project entries against a project.

  • Block entries for a closed period

    You can prevent employees from entering actual costing in a closed period by using multiple entry layouts and by configuring these in a certain way. This way of configuring works for the entry of the actual costing in Profit.

  • Approve and report ready

    If a manager or project manager has to check and approve the employees' actual costing lines, he/she uses the Approve functionality for this. Approved lines can no longer be changed, unless you first undo the approval. You have to report the actual costing lines ready for invoicing if you want to charge the lines to the customer.

  • Copy a quotation to the actual costing

    You can copy the actual costing from a quotation and/or cost estimate. Profit then copies the data from the selected quotation to the actual costing. This is particularly useful if you use the cost estimate as quotation and you want to create the project invoice based on the quotation, after you have made any necessary changes.

  • Import the actual costing

    You have the option to import actual costings.

  • Actual costing overview

    The view of the actual costing overview shows all lines and all fields in the actual costing lines.

  • Actual costing using integration with Profit Calendar

    Because of this integration Profit Calendar shows the actual costing entries as appointments for the individual employee/user.

Also see