Purchase configuration

The configuration of purchasing consists of the activation of the functionality, the configuration of the purchase contacts and the configuration of the order process.


The configuration of purchase contacts consists of setting up the numbering of the purchase contacts and the completing a number of tables. The configuration of the purchase order process consists of the activation of the functionality, the entry of general settings, the setting up of the order numbers, entry layouts and the addition of reports.


  • Activate Purchase

    Before you can use the purchase order process you must first activate the functionality.

  • Auto numbering

    For each component, you configure autonumbering so that Profit numbers data automatically as you add it.

  • Reports

    You can add reports for the order process yourself. You first make a copy of the report that came standard. You can then make changes to the copied report.

  • Authorisation

    Various people normally carry out the actions in the order process. For example, the person who adds a quotation is often not the same person who assesses the quotation and then finalises it. For this reason, you authorise the various actions separately using action authorisation.

  • Order process

    When configuring the order process, you determine the auto numbering, add entry layouts and reports and specify values for the general settings and the entry layouts.

  • Purchase contact

    When configuring purchase contacts (creditors) you set the numbering and can add purchase contact profiles.

  • Purchase entry layout settings

    You can record a number of settings and checks in the purchase process entry layouts.

  • Basic purchase order

    You add a basic order to use as an entry template for a frequently occurring order. You can create an order from a basic order and thus add an order quickly and easily.

  • Configure the order proposal

    To use the order proposal process properly, you need to know what stock you want to hold for each article (as little as possible, always sufficient or something in between). You use this information to configure the order proposal per article.

  • Authorise Order planning

    If you want to use Order planning, first authorise this function.

  • Configure purchase invoices

    When configuring the purchase invoicing, you activate the functionality, set up the journals etc.

  • Configure the goods receipt reconciliation

    In Profit, you can reconcile (compare) goods receipts with purchase invoices from Profit Financieel. You must configure this first.

Also see