Send and receive messages using the communication service

You send messages to agencies (like the tax authority and the Chamber of Commerce) via the communication service.




For the exchange of messages with agencies, one specific environment is used: the communication environment. If you have multiple environments, these environments deliver messages (such as VAT declaration messages) to the communication environment. The communication environment exchanges messages with the agencies. The communication environment sends the status of messages back to the relevant sub-environments.

Roughly this exchange looks as follows:

  1. You send messages from sub-environments to the communication environment.

    For example, if you prepare a VAT declaration, register documents for the Chamber of Commerce, process a payment order, etc. All of these actions result in a message being sent from the sub-environment to the communication environment.

  2. The communication environment exchanges messages with the agencies, like the tax authority.

    For each declaration (or data delivery), messages are exchanged. After a declaration has been sent, several messages may follow, such as a confirmation of the receipt, various status messages, a final confirmation that the declaration has been processed correctly, or a rejection because an error occurred.

    You can only view these messages in the communication environments, not in the sub-environments.

  3. In the sub-environments, the status of messages is visible in the function you used to prepare the messages.


    In practice, communication messages pass through a number of channels/services and each channel or service can send back messages. This depends on the message type.


You have several environments (environment A, B, C, etc.) and a communication environment.

You submit a VAT declaration from environment A:

  1. Environment A

    You finalise the VAT declaration in environment A. When you prepare the VAT declaration for sending, a VAT declaration message is sent from environment A to the communication environment.

  2. Communication environment

    The communication environment sends the VAT declaration of environment A to the tax authority. Messages are exchanged between the communication environment and the tax authority. You can only view these messages in the communication environment (although usually this is not necessary), not in environment A.

  3. Environment A

    The status of the declaration is visible in environment A, in Financial / VAT/ICP / VAT/ICP-declaration. Here, you see whether the declaration has been sent, whether it was successful, etc.



You can send message from Profit to the relevant agencies or organisations.

You always send messages from the communication environment and not from the sub-environments. There is one exception to this rule: The communication environment is not used for sending and receiving e-invoices (UBL). If you have configured the Process e-invoices using e-mail or from a folder communication profile in a certain environment, you must send and receive these messages via this environment as well.

You will only need the below functions if you do not send messages automatically from the command line. There may also be some module-related dispatch actions, for example inFiscal.